To provide maximum assistance to the administration and facility of ABU in formulating, articulating and implementing their semester, annual and long term planning and policy recommendation and hence to accelerate university growth and development.
- OPD will articulate short and long term development planning proposals for ABU with the help of university records and database and hence will make assessments regarding the budget requirement, source of funds and expenditure plan to execute the proposed development planning.
- OPD will with the proposed developmental planning, summaries policy recommendations directed towards growth and development of university administration university faculty and university establishment.
- OPD will present the policy recommendation plan to the Vice-Chancellor. If any of these recommendations, any part of the plans, any budget and / or expenditure plan become ambiguous during the initial approval procedure. OPD will revise the plan and reproduce with amendments.
- OPD will, with family approved plans, employ engage in coordination with the Human Resource Department a group of consultants to execute and implement the development plan and policies. However the Director, Human Resource will act as the coordinator of funds for any projects and the coordinator of OPD will act as the chief project consultant for any project.
- OPD will analyze and articulate all development statistics of ABU. Using these statistics and reports OPD will publish yearly “University Development Report (UDR), which will be exclusively and confidentially distributed to the authority and policy- making body of ABU, (The Vice-Chancellor, the pro Vice-Chancellor, the board of directors, the Academic Council, the Departmentall Deans and the registrar of ABU.
- OPD will, with the help of ABU database make productivity analysis, efficiency analysis, econometric forecasting of university growth and development and hence pinpoint the policy reform, policy amendments, budgetary amendments to the respective authorities (The Vice-Chancellor, the Treasurer and the board of Directors.)
- Curriculum Development by revising and republishing the Undergraduate and MBA handbooks.
- Research Development in School of Business by publishing the ABU Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE)
- Research Development in the School of Science and School of Engineering by publishing the ABU Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE).
- Curriculum development by introducing major in Economics, minors, double majors in the academic programs of School of Business.
- Planning and developmental support to any university activity.
- Academic Council representation as the member secretary.
- University Development Report.
- Human Resource project planning support.
- International Relations project planning support.
- Student affairs project planning support.
Future Surveys:
- Evaluation of Learning Outcomes
- Course/ Subject Evaluation
- Enrollment Evaluation
ABU Oratory Club (AOC):
AOC is one of the most active clubs of the university. AOC has been involved in a number of Public Speaking Competitions like Pohela Boishakh Debate, and Valentine’s Day Debate, Inter University Debate and most importantly World University Debating Championship of 2006 and so on. They are going from strength to strength. AOC has all along been a regular participant in different inter-university and inter club debating competitions. A few other new dimensions have been added with the ongoing excellence of AOC over the last few years. As an initiative of AOC, ABU is planning to host a number of large scale debating competition involving both the students of higher secondary and tertiary levels. Recently they have developed an alliance with the National Debate Foundation of Bangladesh and have hosted a number of workshops and competitions all around Bangladesh. The AOC are now busy trying to raise awareness against social issues that need addressing from all aspects of society like the one they recently hosted “Say NO to Drugs”.
ABU Drama Club (ADC):
ADC is another very active club in ABU. The regular increase in their membership number is an indication of the growing popularity of the Club amongst the students. The club has been a regular organizer of drama shows and drama workshops. The outstanding performance of different ADC shows has acquired appreciation from both student and faculty community. Every semester the club stages at least one show and most of them are their Home Productions.
ABU Performing Arts Club (APAC):
ABU Performing Arts Club’s major activities involve cultural shows during Pohela Boishakh, Valentine’s Day, Foundation Day and Convocation Ceremony. The activities of APAC include Singing, Dancing, Reciting, Choreographing etc.
ABU Photography Club (APC):
ABU Photography Club’s major activities involve hosting Photography Workshops and Exhibitions. The outstanding quality and depth of the Photographs displayed in different Exhibitions by the APC in ABU has been appreciated by student and faculty community alike

To build a constructive positive image of ABU by proper enhancement of internal and external activities and to maintain effective coordination among management, ABU community, administration and academic body of ABU and other related Department, organizations and Institution of Higher education.
The overall functions & activities of the Public Relations department are as following:
- To work as one of the essential coordinating functionaries to assist the ABU authorities to establish high reputations and image among the public, guardians and students at home and abroad by arranging publications of the news coverage of its various curriculum and co/extra-curriculum events and programs (convocations, seminars, workshops, conferences, cultural events sports & games, annual festivities, etc.) of its institutional as well as social, national, regional and international values and importance.
- To contact/ invite the various print and electronic media for coverage of those events and programs.
- To communicate and Maintain liaison with relevant legal agencies and departments.
- To propose developmental planning, initiates policy recommendations directed towards growth and development of University’s legal systems and administration.
- Represents the university on any legal matters including compliance of law related to the operation of the University.
- Plans reviews and execute risk management approach, J-SOX compliance support and business community measures.
- To conduct study / research on legal issues.
- To receive the text/s of (i) the Press Release/s from the various organizing committees of those events and (ii) the various advertisements including admission notices, results and recruitment announcements for wide publication in the print/electronic media on the quickest basis.
- To take necessary steps to publish ABU those Press Releases in the reputed national Dailies / TV Channels.
- To coordinate with the government security authorities/ government bodies in connection with foreign students visa and foreign teachers’& employees’ work permit and visa, and other matters whenever needed.
- To coordinate for arranging necessary protocol services on the occasions of the ABU officials’ foreign visits and on the occasions of foreign dignitaries visiting the university.
- Public Relations department is also involved to provide accommodation facilities for local and foreign students and visiting faculties of ABU.
- To arrange Seminar, conference, workshop at National and International Level.
- To highlight ABU activities to visitors, foreigners and local resources and organizations on their visiting the University.
- To assist on all extra curriculum activities of the ABU students.
- Any other duties and functions as given by the university authorities.
- To maintain liaison and coordinate with the Honorable Chancellor’s Office, Prime Minister’s Office, Education Ministry, Home Ministry, Foreign Ministry, Embassies, University Grants Commission (UGC) and BOI relating to ABU affairs.